University of Debrecen - LL.M in European and International Business Law

The University of Debrecen is the second largest university in Hungary and the best institution outside Budapest, according to the Hungarian Ministry of Education. The Faculty of Law, one of the founding schools of the university, offers Hungarian and English language programmes to students interested in legal and public administration sciences. 

The LL.M in European and International Business Law is a popular and well-known business-focused law degree.

It is structured around the economic and legal grounds of the European Union, while focusing on the rules regulating international commercial activities. The wide array of elective courses allows students to customise and personalise their degree.

Location: Debrecen, Hungary

Single Diploma

Language: English

Number of Places/Students per year: until now the number of students is unknown

Start Date: mid-September or mid-February

Duration: 2 semesters (10 months)

Price/Fee: 6500 USD (5978 EUR) for the full programme, including medical insurance, text books and study materials.

Scholarships: Scholarships by the  European Union or the Hungarian Government are typically available to foreign nationals enrolled in this LL.M programme.

Also those interested can apply for a scholarship offered by the EACEA. See the site

Accommodation: The University has several dormitories with double occupancy rooms, which are offered to its students for the price of 60 000 HUF per month (190 EUR).

Application Process

Applicants must have completed their degree level studies in law. 

Students are accepted in the programme on the basis of academic merit and English language proficiency (IELTS 6.0 or equivalent). 

• Deadline: Candidates must submit their application by June 15, for the September intake or by November 15, for the February intake. 

• Documents: To apply to the LLM programme, students must send a scanned copy of the application form that can be found on the website via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., along with: 

a) a detailed CV 

b) their Bachelor degree

c) a detailed transcript and course descriptions of courses taken at undergraduate studies 

d) two recommendation letters from former professors.

This programme is open for students from Hungary as well as for international students. Nationals from non-EU/EEA countries must apply for a study visa to the Schengen Area countries, which grants them with a residence permit in Hungary for the full duration of their studies.

Programme Structure

Full-time programme: During both semesters, classes are held between Monday and Thursday.. There are two exam terms: one starting around December 20 for fall semester courses, and one starting around May 20 for spring semester courses. 

Part-time Programme: Students who plan to continue their career while studying, have the opportunity to follow a part-time programme with classes held only in the weekends. 

•Semester 1

- Compulsory courses: Institutions of the European Union; Harmonisation of laws in the European Union; Introduction to International Business Law; EU Internal Market Law 1; EU Internal Market Law 2; EU Competition Law; Principles of Public International Law; European Consumer Protection Law; European Criminal Law

- Elective courses 1+2

• Semester 2

- Compulsory courses: International Sale of Goods; International and European Intellectual Property Law; International Commercial Arbitration; European and International Contract Law; Public Management; European Company Law; European Labour and Social Law; Case-law of the European Court of Justice; Private International Law

- Elective course 3  

• Elective courses: Legal Writing in English; Business Transactions in the International Market; Regional Policy of the EU; Public Service Delivery in the EU; European Comparative Constitutional Law; Comparative Legal Reasoning

• Thesis: A thesis supervisor is appointed to each student by the end of the first semester. Thesis topics are offered by the professors; however students may propose other topics as well. The final exam starts with an oral defence of the thesis.

Career Prospects: This LL.M is practice oriented, allowing its students to develop skills needed to succeed in an international law career path and at all workplaces requiring cross-cultural understanding, flexibility and contemporary, practical legal knowledge, and become educated, well prepared lawyers.



Dr. Nikolett Zoványi (LLM Program information)

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By Angeliki Tsanta


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