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At the beginning of the editorial process for the present Volume 6 of we never thought that it would represent one of our biggest successes as a team, even before publishing it. The world as we knew it in January does not exist anymore, and albeit it sounds negative, changing times are the only occasion when the character, devotion, and unity of a team can truly shine. As Managing Editors, we are beyond proud of every member that helped bring you, our dear readers, this issue, for the brilliant work they have laid down despite the circumstances. Every time one of us was handed a curveball, another stepped up for the better of this small, but all the more important community. Every article, the interview, the question of the issue, and the debate were a concerted effort of students whose lives were turned upside down and inside out. But we are here now, to show you the fruits of our labour and to usher in an exciting new time for our publication.