The Department for Business Law and European Integration at Danube University Krems offers traineeship opportunities for law students for a period of 6-12 months.

The Department for Business Law and European Integration at Danube University Krems offers traineeship opportunities for law students for a period of 6-12 months.


Candidates should be currently studying law at a master’s level or equivalent, as well as be proficient in English. Knowledge of German represents an asset, but all candidates should be willing to learn the basics of the language. They should also have outstanding academic performance, as well as very good command of word processing software.


The tasks of candidates applying for the position of research and teaching assistant will be related to:

- assisting in research projects and publications 

- assisting in teaching and lecturing 

- assisting in administrative tasks and course 

- assisting in marketing of postgraduate programs

- assisting in communication with universities, law firms and governmental authorities

- assisting in grant writing/proposal writing


In order to apply, candidates should send their applications, containing an Europass CV and a short cover letter to Mr. Gabriel M. Lentner by November 1, 2015. 

For further details, please contact Mr. Gabriel M. Lentner (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).